Dear Daisy,
Last week we found out some answers as to why this happened. It was something none of us ever expected. You were sick my sweet girl. You were sick and nobody knew. Genetics revealed that you had Turner's syndrome and 47 XXX. Because of the blending of the 2 diseases you appeared to be normal. We won't know the exact cause of your death until the final autopsy result comes in. The doctors suspect heart involvement that couldn't have easily been detected on ultrasound. Well being the nurse that your Mommy is she decided to do some research. The research I saw said 99% of babies with Turner's syndrome are miscarried or born still. This tells me one very important thing... You are more like your Mommy than we knew. You are a fighter and you are determined. You fought till the very end, it was just something you couldn't overcome. You were stronger than most babies with this disease. And I am so proud to call you my Daughter.
So what does this say for your parent's future? Well from my understanding this sickness is a fluke mutation. Your genes randomly took from one strand and gave to another. This was not inherited. Which gives us hope for the future. I hope you will have siblings one day. Mommy and Daddy just need time for our hearts to heal some more. There will always be a hole there though.
I never would want you to suffer my baby. The thought of you being here suffering makes Mommy sad. Even though I want you here with me it wouldn't be fair. So God took you to Heaven where you aren't sick. Our separation is just temporary. I'll see you someday. I promise I will. Until then, watch over Mommy and Daddy. We love you so much.
Love you and miss you Daisy,
Your Mommy
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