Friday, December 7, 2012

Our love surrounded me

Dear Daisy,
Today was very busy for Mommy and Daddy. We went to the cemetery and designed your monument and visited your grave for the first time. I had some reservations about doing this. Frankly, your Mommy was scared. I was scared of the hurt and the sadness that comes with visiting your gravesite. However, when I got there our love for one another surrounded me. I felt your presence saying "Mommy don't be sad. I love you." I felt peace and happiness. Calmness engulfed me and it was amazing.

Your momument is going to be so pretty. Guess what? It's going to be in a pink stone. You will be the only baby so far to have a pink one. Of course it had to be pink, grey was simply not suitable for my precious little princess. And it's going to have daisies on it. I'm so excited to see what the final layout is going to look like. I hope you like it. We also brought you your Christmas wreath. It looks just perfect out there. I also designed you a Christmas ornament. I hope it comes in before Christmas. I can't wait to put it on our tree.

I'm missing you pretty bad tonight. I'm so overwhelmed with sadness that you aren't here with me. It just doesn't seem fair.Why do other Mommy's get to spend their baby's first holiday season with them? Why do I have to bring a Christmas wreath to my daughter's grave? I should be at home with you snuggling on the couch. We should be together. I love you so much my sweet baby. Watch over Mommy and Daddy.

Your Mommy

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